Please join Pamala Oslie in a live Quantum Conversation

Please join Pamala Oslie in a live Quantum Conversation


Quantum Conversations for High Vibrations

Your Portal to the Inner Realms

Please join me as we take a QUANTUM LEAP in transformation and truly EMBODY Love and Your Truth!  I’m going to be on Quantum Conversations soon and you’re invited to interact with us as we learn to Stand in our Mastery and Find our Power through living in the Heart with Divine Love, Activating Christ Consciousness and raising the vibration of the planet.  

My friend and host, Lauren Galey, is a wonderful interviewer who creates a beautiful, high-vibratory space on Quantum Conversations . During our show, you will feel EMPOWERED & ENLIGHTENED in your remembrance of your true mastery and your Divine Purpose for BEing here on this planet. Each Quantum Conversation assists you in moving into and maintaining the High Vibrational Frequencies of Joy, Unconditional Love, Gratitude, Praise, Compassion and Christ Consciousness. These are the creative forces of the Universe that will change your life…and you’ll be shown how to use them by me and other great spiritual luminaries & healers of our time.   

We are talking about Ascension and YOUR Passion and how you can embrace it to access Higher Consciousness where all answers can be found, along with Health, Happiness, Abundance, Joy and Peace! 

Learn how to MANIFEST new, desirable change in your life in an abundant and prosperous frequency.  You can tap into this FREQUENCY or VIBRATION and really step into your True Mastery of Co-creating your reality using Universal Laws of creation!  

Please join us in a Quantum Conversation on May 3, 2017 at 3pm Pacific / 4pm Mountain / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern / 11pm Greenwich Mean Time.  

Register here for this Free Series:

After you claim your free registration, you’ll  get an email from Lauren Galey for my show 2 hours before the event,  and you can listen to replay anytime via the email links she sends you.


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